CONnected VEhicles in Real Time for network and asset management operations
Project CONVERT is a Department for Transport research project which examines how Westminster; and other highways authorities and their maintainers, can become smarter through the use of emerging data and connectivity in their operations. LIDAR, which uses pulsed laser light to help create 3D visualisation of the surrounding infrastructure, is a technology of particular interest.

Objectives of Project CONVERT

  • Understand the similarities and key differences between received LiDAR data and current network and asset inventory data
  • Create an aligned physical and digital baseline for traffic signs and road markings in three key areas
  • Update any required changes to inventory
  • Use LiDAR as a proxy for connected vehicle data to assess the potential to reduce future manual condition and topographical surveys
  • Understand data veracity and convergence issues arising from using data with existing platforms
  • Understand potential impact on the people, platforms, processes and information flow associated with Highways maintenance activity
  • Identify associated costs, benefits and opportunities
How can Project CONVERT help you?
More efficient network and asset management activity
Better analytics to inform longer term maintenance needs
Reduced survey costs
Reduced maintenance scheme design costs
More efficient programming of capital scheme and maintenance works

More efficient traffic movements and managements
Potential for significant cost efficiencies in future customer-centric maintenance contracts
Potential to develop automated maintenance scheme design
By automating processes and making them business as usual, we create the space for greater customer responsiveness, and all the maintainers to bring innovation to their role e.g. in the use of ever more sustainable materials
The creation of a fit for purpose road network, improving mobility and safety, and refining a public realm to be even more aesthetically pleasing and customer centric, especially in a unique network such as the City of Westminster.