Contract and Commercial Support
Client: UK City Authority
What the Advisor was asked to do
We were asked to review and support the commercial management of a city wide Highways maintenance contract as part of an efficiency review of the capital programme.
We were also asked to support elements of the Post Implementation Review of contract performance.
What the Advisor Did
We reviewed the performance metrics against actual performance of the commercial management of the capital programme and devised some simple more pertinent tracking metrics which would also intensify and simplify some of the processes in use by the team. This created a sense of ownership and some momentum behind some of the changes to working practice we had identified would help the team and the contractor’s team to become more efficient.
We led a series of improvement workshops for the client’s staff which would increase take-up of the platforms and systems being rolled out at enterprise level and which could help the Highways teams do their work more efficiently.
The capital transactions have become much more transparent, and more efficient as a result of new processes, and some new roles and responsibilities, identified and owned by the team as a result of the workshops.
Trackers and performance metrics now report ‘one version of the truth’ with regard to the Contract.
There is less ambiguity around the interpretation and meanings associated with elements of the Contract and a renewed consistency of approach on both the client and contractors side.